Sunday, February 28, 2010

New things intimidate me.

So here I am.


I was blogging on MySpace as Sandi's Random Inklings. But they kept changing the format on me and I ended up losing interest. Not that I didn't have things to say, cuz I did. But I just wasn't having fun. There were a few folks that had infiltrated my profile, and I ended up having a couple blogs deleted (important ones too!) so I stopped blogging. I don't like being censored. But I also don't like the drama bloggers who would take my simple comments and twist them to drastically different meanings and then rant on their own blogs about something they THOUGHT I said... whatever. I'm done with Junior High drama (except when I blab on it, heh!)

I'll get back into this blogging again. Let me make it a habit and I'll be back full force again. For now, just this lil baby step of starting a blog is a big enough change. I'm not sure where I want this one to go, so for now, just suffice to know... I'll Be Back!

Now, to figure out how to use the editing bar....


  1. ....Hiya Sandy......

  2. I had something similar happen just today. I wrote a blog about MySpace and some jerk took it personally and wrote several annoyingly obnoxious comments.... Sigh....

  3. Yay you!

    So is this what everyone is doing now? Blogspot? If so I will have to join in...

  4. My blogs here are all just for posting "sponsored" stuff--and I haven't posted any of those in a long while. Maybe it's time to start a new one for real blogging.

  5. Yah, yah, double yah! You're back and I'm back! I always loved reading your blogs too over on myspace, but like you, I got tired of them fu**ing with the format and what nots.

    So here we are! Thanks for reading mine. I can't wait to read the rest of yours!!

  6. I've been on blogger for awhile now. I've learned how to tweak things a bit. Still learning. I used to be on MS as Jenn's Ramblings...but we're talking over a year since I posted there. I am trying to follow those from the Myspace Group on FB. Cheers!! Jenn

  7. I am sitting here trying to figure out who I can con into painting my toenails like the ladybugs....
