So it's been 9 months since I stuck this blog up to 'hold mark'. I had good intentions back then, to actually get into the habit of tapping out a few notes. Major fail. But then, like everything good in life, it usually takes about 9 months, right? At least, I think MY favorite packages took that long!
For all my 'old friends' from MySpace blogging, "Hey! Good to see you again!" It's been a long time, but friendships cross timelines and we can pick up right where we left off.
And special greetings to those who I've yet to met. I'm a wee bit different than the average gal, and I admit it. I know I'm weird in a kewl way, so just embrace me (hey, watch where ya put that hand!)
I little bio for starters: I'm now 51 years old. (What the hell happened?! I'm thinking someone fast-forwarded the aging clock on me!) I've been a single mother to five offspring, only one left in the nest, but he keeps me busier than the other four did all together! I blog often about him, so you'll meet him. And yeah, I am biased, but once you get to know him, you will be too! I also have four grandchildren thanks to my oldest daughter (yes, she got the fertility genes too!) I have had a very interesting life, and many of my writings come from those experiences. I am slowing down a bit in life now, as my battle with Rheumatoid arthritis has taken it's toll on me, and forced me into early retirement and medical poverty. (Which isn't the end of the world, I'm learning. Sitting out on the lake in low income housing, watching the wildlife in beautiful Oregon isn't exactly Hell on earth!)
I haven't posted a blog over on MS for a long time. Hell, I haven't even logged in over there in so long, I may not even remember my password... I hear things have recently changed, so I probably will move the best of the blogs from there over here for safe-keeping. If you've read them before, I hope you don't mind. If you haven't, you'll get to see those random inklings of days gone by.
For now, I'm going to try to get at least one blog a week penned... catching up on the insanity I call life isn't always the easiest thing for me to put at the top of my list. Feel free to come poke me often to motivate me. I've gotten quite lazy in my old age ;o)
I may never figure out all the gizmos in formatting on this blog site or how to link to blogs, so if you have a blog up that you want me to add to my favorites, please, post a comment with a link! Reading blogs motivates me to write even more!
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